Monday, January 18, 2021

Mindfulness and Social Media

Disconnecting To Connect: A Mindful Social Media Exercise

Social media allows us the opportunity to view opinions as well as post our opinions on any number of topics.
Social media  icons
Many of the commentary we encounter is not uplifting and feeds negativity. One must be very mindful of comments and groups we belong to in order to maintain a healthy mental state. 

These negative comments, often thinly veiled as sarcastic humor, aren't only found on the news feeds but can be found in even the most innocuous postings. This negativity directly influences how we feel and if you recall from my earlier post, mindfulness is about being aware in the present moment.

Recall an instant where you read a comment that made you feel troubled or emotional. How did it make you feel exactly? Angry, bewildered, sad? What did you do next after you read this comment? Did you respond? Like it? Move on to the next?

As we move through the oceans of social media postings it will be inevitable that we come across negativity. That is something that is not in our control. But what is in our control is how we respond to these emotions when they surface. Or better yet, how to avoid them in the first place.

Think about who you follow on the various social media platforms. Do you really need to be following 200+ people or organizations? Under which handle/handles do you find the most negative comments?

If we think of emotions as food, look at what you are feeding your inner-self. Are you feeding yourself uplifting, wholesome, positivity or are you feeding yourself the junk food of negativity? Too much negativity and we become glutinous with ill-will towards others and perhaps even depression. And this removes the happiness from our lives. 

We can view negativity like a hot coal from the previous nights campfire, hidden under ash. Smoldering and glowing beneath the surface waiting for dry tinder to ignite. Eventually a twig or leaf falls and catches fire. The fire of negativity spreads and eventually consumes all in it's path.

So how do we avoid this negativity? By being aware of the present moment.

When we talk about being aware in the present moment we are also saying look at the beauty all around you. It is not hard to see if we only allow ourselves to be witness to it.

As an exercise, I'd like for you to leave your phone or other connected device at home and do a walking meditation. Twenty or 30 minutes is all it takes. It's important to leave your device at home and not merely turn it off and keep it with you. 

As you mindfully walk, listen to the sounds around you, deeply inhale the life giving air, look at the symmetry of the buildings around you, look at the light reflecting off of the glass. 

When you return home write down what you saw, felt, and smelled. Reflect on these observations. After doing this you may turn your device back on. What did you miss? Nothing. What did you gain? Life.

I look forward to your comments so please feel to respond appropriately.

Wishing you peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Meditation And Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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