Monday, January 3, 2022

Where to now? A Mindful Approach To A New Year.

Approaching The New Year With Mindful Intent.

With the onset of another new year here how do we know where to go? How do we mindfully set out with positivity, self-compassion, and understanding in determining what is right for our own personal growth and development.

Journaling, goal setting

Many people set out to make New Year's resolutions with the intent of improving themselves from last years shortcomings. 

The very essence that someone recognizes in themselves that there is an opportunity for growth is such a beautiful realization and should be celebrated. 

Some people don't have this insight while others minimize and write it off.

After many years myself of making goals and resolutions and not achieving what I had set out to do became routine until I approached these growth opportunities with mindful appreciation.

First, consider the deep meaning of the words resolution or goal.

Football Uprights
They're both very hard, binary, cold, and unforgiving. They're words used in a business setting and not necessarily appropriate for personal growth.

Instead, I have adopted the word 'intention'. Intention is forgiving, warm, and compassionate. If I am slightly short of what I set out to do I'm allowed to say 'I did my best'.

Whereas if you didn't meet your goal or resolution, you've failed. 

That's very hard on a person and doesn't allow for life to unfold as it will. One lesson in mindfulness is to be kind to yourself.

For example, if you set out to read 10 books this year and sometime in late summer a life event happens that alters your pattern you may find out that you've read eight. 

If you've used the word goal or resolution you've failed in what you've set out to do.

If you've used the word intention you understand that something significant happened over the course of your life and you had to make a caring adjustment. You still read eight wonderful books that you might not have read at all.

success, man on computer
Realizing right from the beginning that our very own verbiage we chose to use sets us on a positive, uplifting path or conversely along a path that is hard, cold, and unforgiving.

Secondly, allow for flexibility. No one can see the future, not even into the very next moment. Remember impermanence? 

Impermanence is knowing that all we see, feel, and is in existence will some time in the future not exist. That includes your current state and station as well.

For example, we are still experiencing the effects of COVID and all of it's variants. In 2019 we had no foresight nor understanding as to what 2020 or 2021 would bring. Yet alone what will happen in 2022.

So to gain a more compassionate understanding, here and now, I invite you to reflect on any 'goals' or 'resolutions' that were not able to be fulfilled during those years?

Do you or did you feel that you were a 'failure'? I certainly hope not. 

As challenging as it was, and still is, you were understanding and embraced a sense of openness towards what would unfold the next day.

So in walking along your path towards your own unfolding, continue to embrace this same mindful openness and compassion with your own 2022 intentions.

Happy New Year.  

I wish you peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Meditation and Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization

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