Thursday, January 13, 2022

When Your Pot Is Too Small?

Knowing When You've Outgrown Your Environment

An intrigal part of our personal growth and development is recognizing when we've reached our potential in a certain environment. This environment could be a relationship, a social group, or even a career. In not holding onto a past that no longer offers warmth and development the Buddha gave a wonderful analogy that as a snake sheds its skin so too must we shed our past.

What once started off as a wonderful and loving to grow has reached its limits. It's also important to understand that this cycle of growth is normal and healthy for us. However, when we remain in these environments anxiety, unease, or perhaps even a sense of contempt may begin to manifest within. This is the unhealthy aspect of staying.

cartoon tree, potted plant, overgrown
How can you recognize when your pot is becoming too small in these environments?

You may begin to develop thoughts of 'why am I still here'? 'I'm wasting my time'. Thoughts of this nature are initial signs and allowing the continued watering of these seeds of negativity perpetuates an unhappy circumstance for all parties involved.

When we are mindful of ourselves and others we know that there may be times where we have outgrown or learned all that a situation has to offer. When we come to this conclusion it's important to approach both with grace and kindness.

growing plant, handLike an Oak tree growing in a pot who realizes their pot is too small, there are two opportunities that we may be grateful for as we make this growth transition. The third option is least desirable as we walk along our path.

The first, being grateful to the current situation. For it is here that you learned to develop into who you are now. You have grown. This is the normal and healthy part of your growth. For example, imagine having the same mindset or views at 50 years old as you did at 20 years old. That would not be a healthy condition to exist with as one would develop conflict with peers their own age.

The second, being grateful for the new opportunity that lies ahead. You may have an idea what this is, or you may not. If this new opportunity has been thrust upon you as part of an unknown event, a layoff for example, welcome it with openness and intrigue. With the right perspective it can lead you to wonderful realizations about yourself. Both of which can lead you down a new and educational path of development.

The third option would be to remain in this limiting environment. This will not be beneficial to your personal growth and development and oftentimes is regressive or destructive towards your mental wellbeing. And just as worse you will make others suffer as your negativity will begin to show.

When the time comes to severing these ties be thankful to whomever you speak to and realize that they have learned from you as well and that this may be a challenging time for them too. We must ease suffering for all involved.

Promoting kindness in all we do, even to ourselves, is an important aspect for our own development and growth and it's a loving action to change our pot.

I wish you peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Meditation and Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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