Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Enjoy The Rain: Accepting Praise Or Compliments

Opening To Positive Commentary

A nice gentle rain can be refreshing and nurturing in times of drought. Praise and compliments can be thought of as our rain as well.

Think about a time when someone offered you praise. How did you feel?

Were you joyful that you helped someone? Proud of the task you completed? Or maybe no particular response at all. 

Perhaps you held a door open for someone with full arms, instrumental in finishing a team project, or maybe you helped someone carry a package up a flight of stairs.

These are some of the situations when someone could offer you a warm ‘thank you’.

Conference, meeting
Consider what was your intention to help at that particular time and then how did you ‘feel’ when acknowledged?

Oftentimes we respond with ‘no problem’ or ‘sure thing’. Although these are acknowledgements they're not positive acknowledgements. They’re bland, with no love, compassion, or gratitude behind them. 

These types of responses diminish the value of the other person's praise and your actions.

Sometimes when we receive praise we’re not sure how to respond, it’s not something we’re taught how to do in society. 

But let’s look at a few reasons as to why we might not respond more wholeheartedly.

  • Ego is one of the main reasons. We know we did a kind act for someone but we often hide our gratitude under the guise of ‘no big deal’ when inside we’re happy that we could help.

  • We’ve minimized the importance of helping someone else in a time of need. Most of life is built around small events not large. 

  • Maybe we feel unworthy to receive praise. Perhaps you might think that it’s a part of your job or responsibilities to help others, like in a retail environment.  

How we return praise for acknowledgment is very important to a positive mindset.

Consider a small child who has that toy table with those little shapes, square, circle, triangle, and star, that they push through the corresponding hole. What is their expression when they match the shape and hole? It’s one of joy and excitement. What do you say to them with this monumental accomplishment? You clap, and very happily respond with ‘good job, I knew you could do it’! This boosts their confidence. 

Or maybe you have a dog who likes to play fetch. Again, how do you respond when they return the stick or toy? They’re so happy, their tails wagging vigorously, and are more likely to repeat this behavior.

So how do we accept praise gracefully and with openness? 

We can begin by valuing the other person's opinion and intention. This would be considered ‘Right Thought’ one of the Eight Noble Truths. The person's intention is to reward you verbally for your effort and assistance. It’s offered with sincere gratitude. This person saw the kindness in you and you helped them. This too, is one of the Eight Noble Truths, Right Effort. 

Think about when you offered praise to someone what were your intentions. You offered them praise and it wasn't malicious or deceitful. It was genuine and from the heart.

And remember, how you felt when you offered praise, is how they’re feeling towards you at this moment.

So when someone genuinely offers you praise, know that it’s coming from a place of gratitude and let it rain and nourish you as well.

I’d love to hear your comments, so please feel free to do so below.

I wish you all peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Mindfulness and Meditation Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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