Friday, June 11, 2021

Realizations From A Walking Meditation

Taking Time To Enjoy Nature

Each day, weather permitting, I enjoy a mindful walk. Removing myself from the confines of my home offers me the mindful opportunity to strengthen the connection I have with the natural world we all are a part of. This connection is vital to maintaining a mindfulness practice. 

Observing the small changes that occur over the course of the day are sometimes hard to notice. Leaves on trees grow at a slow pace, animal tracks are hard to distinguish as well, the fragrance of blooming flowers can be hard to discern as well depending on the breeze. But every now and then there is a large enough change that is readily seen, even from a distance.

Today, I had the fortune to find this large feather. It's from a Turkey Vulture. They come to roost every night on some of the trees nearby. Looking this feather with openness and curiosity I begin to wonder where this feather has been? What has it seen while it was still attached to this magnificent birds wing while in flight? Or even what it has witnessed when it had landed doing the necessary function that a Turkey Vulture does for our ecosystem.

As I let my mind flow freely, I then let my thoughts move to what we need in order to function and what we can let go. What am I holding onto that I no longer need? 

Perhaps this feather was bothersome to this individual bird and as a result not able to soar has high and far as it was able and let this feather go. It clearly had no need of this feather any longer as I do not see a Turkey Vulture walking on the ground.

Concepts, notions, and ideas can hold us back from achieving what we are capable of doing or seeing the best in people. For example, when you say to yourself 'I am no good at that task'. You promoting the notion that you are incapable of learning or improving. Or the idea that people cannot change is very limiting and does not take into account the adaptability that any one individual possess. 

Greed, anger, jealousy, and ego are only some of the ailments that hold us back as well as each of these further perpetuates suffering of self and others. Each one of these ailments may be viewed as a smoldering coal from the previous night's campfire waiting to burst into flames for destruction.

When we are mindful of ourselves and surroundings we are opening up to what the world truly teaches. When we are observant we begin to understand that letting go is important if we want to soar. It relieves us of the unnecessary burden of attachment. Whereas holding on to what no longer serves us is the baggage that keeps us from flight. 

Here, in this wonderful example nature has given, the loss of a single feather, we can learn the importance of letting go of what does not serve us in growth, lovingkindness, compassion, and empathy.

What are some of the observations or realizations you have experienced on a walking meditation?

Feel free to comment below.

Wishing you peace and ease.


Blue Lotus Mindfulness and Meditation Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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