Sunday, October 3, 2021

What Is Our True Being

Looking Mindfully Inward.

Who are we deep inside? Are we a complex or  simple beings? Are we still or in motion, always doing?

Consider for a moment water flowing in a gentle stream. You may see small amounts of debris or leaves gently moving along the surface. Maybe you see the small undulations of the ripples. Or perhaps small grains of sand moving along the bottom with the flow. This is the nature of water. Even the stillest of lakes has some movement.

pretty lake
Now, consider if you will, the water in a calm lake or pond on an sunny, windless day. Water fills the depression of the land to a point of equilibrium, a separation of water and land. 

As a result of your perspective, you can see the bottom only near the shoreline but not closer towards the center. 

But even in the depths there is gentle movement. Small currents beneath the surface are present as the sun warms the water. This is the being of water. And this is the being of you and all living organisms.

Even down to the molecular level, the water molecule is vibrating. And this too is the being of water.

Now bring attention to yourself, your being. 

What is your being? Are you doing or not doing? Do you exist or do you not exist? Is it true that you think therefor you are?

When you are walking, you are doing more than moving your feet from one spot to another. You are breathing in. You are breathing out. You are looking, hearing, feeling the air and temperature on your skin. You are observing what is around you. Utilizing your senses you are connecting to the world around you. This is your being.

When you are sitting you are doing more than being stationary. Again, you are breathing in. You are breathing out. You are feeling the pressure of your bottom pushing on the seat. You are thinking, smelling, observing your surroundings. Here too, you are utilizing your senses to connect to the world around you. This too, is your being.

woman meditating
When we look at our actions, no matter how big or small, our thoughts, our words, our emotions, that is our being. And this is our doing. 

We carry our being with us where ever we go and in all of our doings. We are always true to our being, observing mindfully our thoughts, our actions, and our feelings. Not judging them in any way, only observing. Our being is our loving companion as we walk along our mindful journey.

We are more than a collections of bones, organs, skin, blood, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our being is more than a sum of the physical body we see in the mirror and more than what anyone else may see when they gaze upon us. Or being is loving kindness and therefore extends beyond the physical and into the spiritual which connects us all.

It is with that connection that we all share the same world, the same presence. Much as a single molecule is connected to an entire lake and is no more or less important than another, so too are we. Connected to each other in a meaningful way. 

I wish you peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Mindfulness and Meditation Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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