Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Why I don't Use My 'PhD'.

Credentials. Some have them. Some do not.

Some are necessary. Some are not.

When we walk into a doctors or lawyers office, we often see all types of diplomas on the wall. From where they went to undergraduate school, graduate school, or even to some form of professional specialization within their respected field these pieces of paper are prominently on display. 

Diploma, Graduation

Doctors’ degrees such as the PhD, the Doctor of Philosophy, the M.D. the Medical Doctor, and the J.D. the Juris Doctorate, certainly all require a significant portion of one’s time and effort in graduate school and then successfully passing some type of state certification to be earned.

I fall into the first category, the PhD. But when you come to our meditation center, or look around our website, or even on any marketing material, you will not find any reference to doctor or PhD anywhere.

Why is that?

When I first obtained my doctorate, before I embraced Buddhism and mindfulness, I was very much a ‘title’ person. I even enjoyed the little perks that came along with it. Upon hearing ‘Dr. Zivkovic’ it inflated my ego, my sense of better than you, it was a thin protective shell for the ‘hey, look at me and what I did’.

Now as I look back with mindful reflection, for me, my title or degree has nothing to do with the quality of the messages I convey to you. My messages on the Dharma and mindfulness all originate from my heart and are transmitted with love, compassion, and wellbeing to each one of you. This is not something a certificate or degree will ever contain.

But doesn’t a PhD give you credibility when speaking to others?

No. For some, seeing these letters may offer some reassurance, but in my opinion these letters may get someone some initial attention but does the message they speak hold true. It very well may and I am pleased for them. But this is not how I prefer to transmit my message. If the letters offer you reassurance, I respectfully ask that you ask yourself ‘why’? Look deeply within yourself to find that answer.

As for me, when you come across what I say, I hope you find value in the words I say and not only because I have some letters after my name.

What is your PhD in? 

Diploma Certificate

I have a PhD in Geology. But that’s not why I don’t use the ‘PhD’ in my message. It’s not that I feel unworthy or that it might be misleading in some way or even some form of ‘clickbait’’ to get attention. To me, doctor, or any other title is divisive. They promote divisiveness and not unity. An air of superiority instead of belonging. And as Dharma beings we are all connected as one. This is much the same as your little toe belong to ‘you’ as does a single strand of hair. Your toe is neither superior nor inferior to this singular strand of hair.

And you are neither superior nor inferior to anyone else. We are all connected with love, compassion, and empathy in the Dharma to all and you don't need credentials for this.

And with that my friends I wish you all peace and ease,


You are warmly invited to follow on us on Facebook and Instagram @bluelotuscenter for more way to improve your mindfulness practice and wellbeing.

Blue Lotus Meditation and Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

Website and monthly newsletter: www.bluelotusmeditation.us

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