Thursday, November 3, 2022

Acknowledging Your Generosity And Expressing Our Gratitude

Although we practice generosity and gratitude year round, in the United States November is a month where individuals and organizations express these sentiments publicly. These public expressions provide a sense of humbleness and modesty for individuals and organizations show a sense of vulnerability that is not often witnessed in our current society. For we truly know that no one is truly self-sufficient and we all rely upon one another in ways we don't often realize.

Beautiful Path And Sunrise
Below is our acknowledgment to all of you who greatly impact our path and benefit from our offerings:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As I reflect upon all of the good that's happened over the course of the year I know that it would not have been possible without all of your kindness in both donations and presence. It is important for us to acknowledge your kind generosity and how it has improved the many lives we have touched through our outreach efforts, on-line and in-person events.

The offerings that your generosity have made possible:

▪ Bi-weekly Guided Meditations and Dharma Talks.
▪ Weekly Sangha's: Healing, New Beginnings, Veterans, LQBQT+, and teens.
▪ A summer mindfulness retreat for teens.
▪ Personal guided meditations or mindfulness instruction for an improved life.
▪ Lotus Petals - our monthly news letter.
▪ Several day-long virtual retreats.
▪ Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher Training.
▪ Improved software, equipment and internet technology to warmly reach you.

Group Of Positive Teens
All of these programs and offerings are made possible by you, our practitioners, followers, and dear friends. And all of these offerings are offered without a required fee. As you may recall we are entirely donation based.

We provide these offerings solely to promote lovingkindness in a world that is in need of love and compassion. In other words we do what we do based on the Buddhist idea of dana.

Generosity and charity always positively affects at least two people, the giver and the receiver. Generosity allows the recipient to feel seen, cared for, a sense of security, and valued in a world where they may feel otherwise. Generosity from the giver allows them not only to earn merit but to know that they are helping a person or family live with a sense of security, peace, and wellbeing. The giver has made a difference in some ones life and what better way to foster and cultivate lovingkindness in our world.

As we begin to close out this calendar year we sincerely want to express our gratitude to all you for your support and look forward to your kind presence in the future.

For ways you may like to support our efforts please see visit our website at:

Wishing you continued peace and wellbeing,


You are warmly invited to follow on us on Facebook and Instagram @bluelotuscenter for more ways to improve your mindfulness practice and wellbeing.

Blue Lotus Meditation and Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

Website and monthly newsletter:

For guided meditations and Dharma talks, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.




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