Monday, March 29, 2021

Greetings to People

Spreading Kindness One Smile At A Time

We all feel sad or lonely sometimes. Sometimes we show it, other times we do not.

We see lonely people all of the time,  but we just do not know they are lonely. And we too know what it is like to be lonely harboring those feelings of hollowness, uncertainty, and even anxiety. Sometimes people walk with their head down, or eat alone, or sit on a park bench for hours watching others live their lives.
Woman in restaurant

As humans we want to help others because we are compassionate beings. This compassion is a result of millions of years of evolution and is one component that has allowed our societies to form and progress to where they are today. Compassion, security, companionship has allowed us to form these family bonds and close friendships that last for decades.

As a mindful reflection experiment, consider how many times have you heard of news story about someone who has taken their own life and said to yourself that you would have been their friend and listened to them? I am sure you have said this often enough because you are a compassionate human being. You intrinsically want to help relieve the suffering of others in the world.

So, is there a way that you may help? How does this opportunity present itself? 

Believe it or not you have that opportunity every single day. And most likely it will not present itself in such a way as someone yelling at the top of their lungs that they are sad and lonely. So who could that person be then? 

That person who needs your help could easily be the cashier at your local convenience store, the parking lot attendant, your tax preparer, the salesperson at your local department store, or yes, even someone sitting alone on the park bench.

In our busy days too often we avoid any additional involvement and just want to get to our destination with minimal delay or distractions. Why have we become so engrossed with ourselves, pretending to be in some invisible protective bubble? Why is what we are doing any more important than what someone else is where we avoid simple eye contact and a smile?

If we mindfully consider the reality of our actions, what are those few extra seconds or minutes going to achieve? All we have really accomplished was the perpetuated suffering of a human being and the world. Remember we are all suffering in some way and your simple hello, or few second conversation, or even meal with someone may make all the difference to them.

Being mindful is not about us as a solitary, unconnected being. It is about being aware of our connectedness to the universe and that includes other people as well. When someone suffers, we all suffer. And suffering takes away from all the beauty that life has to offer.

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word from one stranger to another to make a world of difference. Small actions such as this really do go a long way. So please, just say hello.

I'd love to hear your comments so please feel free to leave one below.

Wishing you peace and ease,


Blue Lotus Meditation And Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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