Monday, March 15, 2021

Mindfully Eating In The Busy Work Day

Nourishing Your Being With Mindfulness

Many of us may only get a thirty minute lunch break. And depending on where you work even that time may be cut short due to going to the drive thru, walking to a fast food location, or waiting in line. When we do finally get our food we feel rushed to eat only to hurry back to work.

Walking, eating and walking
If you are ordering fast food you know as well as I, it is not the best choice for our bodies yet alone for our cognitive abilities.

So how do we approach our mealtimes with the mindfulness it deserves? Remember, nourishing our body is just as important as nourishing our mind. 

In my opinion, the most mindful way is to prepare your food at home, either the night before or in the morning before you leave. Your meal can simply be leftovers of last-night's dinner or something entirely different. It is up to you but the most mindful aspect to consider is the time you will be needing when lunch time comes.

When you prepare a healthy meal at home for the next day you are creating space for you to mindfully enjoy this nutritious meal. Find a quiet location if you can or even a scenic one if possible. Sit comfortably as well and maybe even remove your shoes or outerwear if appropriate.

When you have your plate in front of you do not just dig in, savor it. Observe the food itself, the placement of each portion, the aroma, the colors, and the texture of each portion. How does it make you feel before you even taste it? Remember, being mindful is about observing and acknowledging the present moment. Then take your first bite. 

Observe the taste on your tongue. Observe the texture. Slowly chew your food before you swallow. Know that with each swallow you are nourishing your body as well as your mind. The entire eating ritual is all part of being mindful, of being in the present moment. A lot of care and preparation went into this meal even before you sat down to enjoy it. 

Consider where the vegetables came from before you purchased them. This about the effort that went into making the bread. Where did the seasoning come from? Everything needs water, so consider the care that a farmer went to to be sure that the plants grew healthily so that he may sell them to feed his family too. From the farm, a driver had to haul them to a facility to be carefully sorted and shipped to the appropriate store. And from the store, a worker had to place them on the shelf before you even selected this item.

Many people and events had to come together so that you may enjoy what you are about to consume. And they all worked hard to provide you with the necessary sustenance so you may perform your job as well.

Your workday is all about successfully fulfilling your professional duties, mindfully as well. But your mealtime is about you and mindfully reconnecting with your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is not an aspect of the day that deserves to be rushed through. This reconnection helps you focus on the remainder of your professional tasks which helps you continue to support yourself and family.

Please feel free to comment below and tell us how you mindfully enjoy your lunchtime. 

Wishing you peace and ease.


Blue Lotus Meditation And Mindfulness Center is a registered 501(c)(3) religious organization.

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